Thursday, January 29, 2009

Have You Ever Met a Spirit?

Many claim to have met spirits either through meditation, dreams or other means.  Have you ever had that experience?  Do you know anyone that has?  We'd love to hear about it.


  1. Yes I have. When I was about to cross a street in NY, someone pulled me back as a taxi flew in front of me. I turned around and no one was there.

  2. FOR THE FIRST TIME, I spoke to two of them I know are around me at this time!!! They are Teacher Guides and we communicated “telepathically” last night…I saw them through my mind’s eyes. We conversed and I asked them, “well how do I know that I am ACTUALLY speaking with you?” (Again, this conversation was SO instinctual and I had never done anything like this before) I asked them for a sign-post, a bird, of ANY colour of their choosing so I can be CERTAIN of their presences. They know I love bluebirds, and asked if I wanted to see one of those (jokingly)! I said, …No…any coloured bird of their own choosing by tomorrow morning to confirm their true presence. I have heavy curtains which I never open and keep the blinds shut in my bedroom because the sun is far too bright from my side of the house!

    I forgot it about the entire REQUEST and “the conversation” this morning.
    ….I saw a SINGLE, most effervescent, most exquisite, SHIMMERING RED Cardinal bird this morning sitting on a beautiful bird-feeder at my new spiritual teacher’s garden outside, in the midst of our conversation in his home. It sat perched straight across from me, merely a feet away, and only in MY view ... right outside the wide, glass door which formed as a giant picture frame between us. It stayed for a very long time, all alone, I cannot even remember when it left.
    My newly introduced spiritual counsellor, Richard, could not have seen it because he was facing towards me from the other side. He DID however observe, while still talking, a very mysterious, radiant smile begin to form at the corner of my lips as my eyes seemed distracted by something (obviously VERY INTRIGUEING!!!!) seen outside. It was only, and only meant for my eyes!

    I have now been guided to purchase: “The Gift of the Red Bird: The Story of a Divine Encounter”. It is the EXACT bird my spirit guides sent me this morning, illustrated on the cover of this book (and cd) cover… I only discovered upon my return home today. The story seems like the perfect Divine Order for me at this moment. I can trust my “Instinctual Truths” now at every moment….and honour my loving, beloved Spirit Guides. They are honestly so JOYOUS, compassionate, and Superior-Enlightened beings.

    The date you wrote your first blog on this site, Tuesday, Jan.27th 2009 is also the day that I first met Richard, who I KNOW I was meant to meet and is my real-life spirit guide!!! My spirit guides showed their presence whilst with him. This Red Bird inaugurated so much more that I cannot even begin to write about in here….I found YOUR website for instance, yet just before discovering it, I created my own blog called spiritguides on wordpress. MANY, MANY, MANY more synchronicities left untold since that would take me a novel to get into…! BELIEVE.

    A Former Skeptic

  3. I only came across this book upon my "Research" about winged messengers at home today, after my very own 'encounter':

    ...“The Gift of the Red Bird: The Story of a Divine Encounter”
    Author, Paula D'Arcy.

  4. I have had numerous experiences with spirits/ghosts in and around me all my life. In fact, we live with several "invisiblies". I would miss them if they weren't around. However, trying to contact my spirit guides, or differing between ghostly companions and spirit guides, has become harder for me over the years. I wish I knew how to rectify that, since I know its blocks on my part.

  5. Hi, I had a dream the other night where my nan and pop (who passed away a few years ago) came over for dinner to say hello. They then had to leave but i didn't want them to go yet so i ran after them to my front door.
    I hugged them and told them i loved them and missed them. I then asked "what is it like?" and they replied "heavenly". Just as i asked this i felt 2 strong, yet gentle, hands on my shoulders. It was as though they were saying "don't ask more questions about that" - but in a nice way.
    I was startled by this as i didn't know there was anyone else there but when i turned around i felt very comforted by the sight of this person, i felt as though i recognised them but in reality i do not know them. It was a caucasian male with very dark hair, he was wearing startling white clothes. I felt so happy and comfortable that he was there.

    I've never had a dream like this before and it felt very different to any others i've had, i wouldn't say it was a lucid dream however.
    I'd love to hear what you think of this dream. I wonder if this person behind me was perhaps a spirit guide?

    Jess :)


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